Patient Participation Group


The next PPG meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd March 2023, starting at 11am prompt.


The meetings last just an hour and the agenda will be sent a few days prior to the date.

If you would like to be part of your PPG but cannot attend the meetings please email the surgery @ and we will share the minutes & thoughts of the group with you via email or you could even attend via teams.

We look forward to seeing you!


The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

The principles of the group are:

  • A forum to facilitate and develop communication between the partners / management of Barrington Medical Centre and the practice population
  • The group will be a virtual Patient Participation Group, communicating primarily by post and email – adhoc face to face meetings may be arranged from time to time should there be collective
  • Membership of the vPPG will aim to be a representative sample of the practice patient population, open by invitation or application to patients of the practice with a membership size of around 20 patients
  • Membership of the vPPG is entirely voluntary and unpaid - members may resign their participation at any time and any vacancies will be filled by invitation or application, or a combination of both
  • The aim of the vPPG will be to consider projects and initiatives to enhance and improve the facilities and services that Barrington Medical Centre is able to provide to its patients. The vPPG will also work with practice on initiatives to canvas the views of the practice population
  • The vPPG will be both comprised of and work on behalf of the patient population without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions or characteristics of an individual.

We will advertise future vacancies in the membership of the group as they arise but if you would like to express your interest, please email us via the ‘Contact Us’ section of the website. Please note: we are particularly interested in hearing from those Under 25 to maintain a representation of our patient population.

The group has been instrumental in supporting our annual patient survey and our CQC inspections.

Meeting Schedule 2023






11:00 – 12:00



11:00 – 12:00



11:00 – 12:00



11:00 – 12:00



11:00 – 12:00




 Please let the surgery know in advance if you would like to attend, contact


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Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.

Patient Survey Report 2021

Thank you to all of our patients who took part in the survey – your feedback is invaluable to us in assessing how we go about providing you with the services that we need to, particularly something new and challenging such as the covid vaccination programme.

As we learn more about the requirements for a covid booster in the autumn this feedback will be helpful when we design our approach to that in the next few months.


  • 97% of our respondents rated their experience at one of clinics as ‘Very Good’
  • All respondents stated that they would recommend our practice to the friends and family
  • We received an overwhelming number of positive comments from patients stating that they felt the clinics were efficiently delivered and with minimal waiting times

To see a full copy of this year's survey please click on the link below:

Survey results 2021