Suggestions & Complaints

Do you need to make a complaint?

a person on a mobile phone

Our aim is to provide the highest level of care for all our patients and so we will always be willing to hear if there is any way that you think that we can improve the service we provide. We operate a Practice Complaints Procedure as part of an NHS system for dealing with complaints and our procedure meets national guidance and legislation.

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer

Your comments and suggestions are important to us, please click on the 'Suggestions Form' link to complete the form.  The form will come directly to the practice.

We will contact you to acknowlege your suggestion.

What happens when the practice receives your complaint?

We are sorry you have cause to complain, please complete the complaints form to let us know your concerns.

We will then:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 working days
  • Look into the matter within 10 working days
  • Send you a formal response with 28 working days

If your complaint is on behalf of someone else:


  • Call at the surgery and ask the reception team for a third-party consent form for complaints

If the person you are complaining on behalf off is unable to consent please telephone the practice 0161 928 9621 and ask for the Practice Manager to contact you.  The practice manager will call back within 3 working days.


Do you need help and support with your complaint?

We assure you that the practice will listen and approach all complaints in a sympathetic and pragmatic manner.

However if you would like help making your complaint the Health Complaints Advocacy for Trafford offers free support to Trafford residents with the NHS complaints procedure across all NHS services, including GP practices.